What is USPAP? And why do you need a USPAP Compliant Appraiser

The Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice - USPAP
1. The organization that is generally recognized to develop ethical and performance standards for appraisers in the United States.
2. Adopted by Congress in 1989 and contains standards for all types of appraisal services including real estate, personal property, business and other appraisals. USPAP is updated every two years.
3. The appraisers take a 15-hour course and have to pass a written exam to become USPAP compliant. Then have to take an 8 hour course every two years.
Additionally, the Foundation, in partnership with the US Department of Justice, is publisher of the Uniform Appraisal Standards for Federal Land Acquisitions, commonly known as the "Yellow Book." To read more about the Yellow Book, click here. To purchase an electronic interactive PDF copy of the Yellow Book, click here (paper copies for purchase will be available soon).